fredag 16 januari 2009
On The Road Again
Nu bär det av till Leksand för bröllop och allmänt fylleri. Får väl se om det blir tid över till att dildoregna huokko
fredag 9 januari 2009
Shit vad mycket biljetter vi måste köpa på nästa lön
minst en thåströmspelning (350x2), förhoppningsvis två (x4)
seasick steve (195)
justin townes earle (135)
åsså släpps justins nya platta, thåströms nya platta...
blir till att leva på billiga cig och redan köpt sprit.
hade tänkt länka till världens roligaste hasse å tage sketch, gamle man, men den fanns inte på jootoob, jävla amatörer
dagens låtjävel
Justin Townes Earle - My Mama's Eyes
I am my father's son
I've never known when to shut up
I ain't fooling no one no more
I am my father son
We don't see eye to eye
I'll be the first to admit I've never tried
Sure it hurts, but it should hurt sometimes
We don't see eye to eye
I was a young man when
I first found the pleasures in the filed of his sins
I went down the same roads as my old man
I was younger then
Now it's three AM and I'm standing in the kitchen
holding my last cigarette
strike a match and I see my reflection
in the mirror in the hall
and I say to my self
I've got my mama's eyes
the long thin frame and her smile
and I still see wrong from right
'cause I've got my Mama's eyes
minst en thåströmspelning (350x2), förhoppningsvis två (x4)
seasick steve (195)
justin townes earle (135)
åsså släpps justins nya platta, thåströms nya platta...
blir till att leva på billiga cig och redan köpt sprit.
hade tänkt länka till världens roligaste hasse å tage sketch, gamle man, men den fanns inte på jootoob, jävla amatörer
dagens låtjävel
Justin Townes Earle - My Mama's Eyes
I am my father's son
I've never known when to shut up
I ain't fooling no one no more
I am my father son
We don't see eye to eye
I'll be the first to admit I've never tried
Sure it hurts, but it should hurt sometimes
We don't see eye to eye
I was a young man when
I first found the pleasures in the filed of his sins
I went down the same roads as my old man
I was younger then
Now it's three AM and I'm standing in the kitchen
holding my last cigarette
strike a match and I see my reflection
in the mirror in the hall
and I say to my self
I've got my mama's eyes
the long thin frame and her smile
and I still see wrong from right
'cause I've got my Mama's eyes
tisdag 6 januari 2009
lördag 3 januari 2009
The Big Dirty pt 2: Road Pirates
Bilden ovan visar på inte mindre än två förbluffande fakta:
1. Min röv skulle kunna va en 125 man stark symfoniorkester, så taight som den är.
2. Vid en första anblick syns där ingen större skillnad mellan det mänskliga rövålet (anus) och det svenska rövhålet (skåne)
Vi är nu framme i Västra Virestad där vi har lånat ett mycket fint litet hus av Hannas farbror. I morgon tar vi bron, genar över Danmark till Puttgarten och fyller gamla Bettan till bredden med ondsaft.
Västra Viresta är en liten, liten by (ska leta efter teskedsgumman i morgon) mitt i ingenstans. Om du söker det behöver du helt enkelt bara lokalisera ingenstans och ta dej till dess absoluta mittpunkt. Det finns inte på GPS:en, knappt på Eniro och nästan inte i verkligheten, men fint och sådär danskt gemytligt är det.
Nåväl, resan ner var allt annat än klockren. Inledde med att Rickard va tvungen att banga p.g.a sjukdom, trist, mest för honom, jag och Hanna är som sagt vana mästare av vägarna.
När vi åkte till Akalla och hämtade stora bilen kom nästa glada överraskning. Med typ 2,5 cm kvar åkte vi rakt in i polisens fälla och det blev 1500 spänn böter för min gamla synd, driving without bälte. Yippi!
Efter en något märklig halvutskällning av farsan för ovan nämnda förseelse (de e inte så att de han spengar..) var vi iallafall iväg, de va jag, de va hanna, de va fantastisk musik och det var vägen. Detta höll till strax efter Södertälje där det bara var att stänga av motorn, plocka fram boken och invänta att räddningspatrullen skulle skrapa bort resterna av en tiobilars olycka från vägen, något som skulle ta en och en halv timme för oss (längre för stackarna som stod längst fram i köerna, dom hade stått i typ fyra timmar).
Well well, fortfarande glada i hågen och till tonerna av Justin Townes Earle, Ani Difranco pch Patti Smith (för att nämna några) for vi vidare söderut.
I höjd med Linköping var det dock dags för vidare fördröjningar. Torkarbladen (bad to begin with) beslöt sej plötsligt för att lossna helt och göra sikten en smula begränsad. Nåja tänkte vi och bad GPS:en vi lånat att visa oss vägen till närmaste Shell-mack. Detta visade sej dock inte vara maskinens bästa sida... Först tyckte den att vi skulle åka tillbaka typ fyra mil mot stockholm, sen visade den oss i tur och ordning till en stängd verkstad som hade en sorglig shellautomat, en stängd Bilisten tre mil åt helvete som kanske hade vart en Shell-mack nån gång och en shell-tankomat i centrala Jönköping innan vi tillslut, ytterligare minst en timme sena, kom till den Shell jag hade i tanken från början, den vi brukar stanna på på vägen från Roskilde...
Note to self, den ligger på jordbrovägen.
Nåja, efter dessa missöden och magarna fulla av hemgjorda rostbiffsmackor kom vi så tillslut fram hit till teskedsgummans by. Nu vankas en folköl ok bums i säng, vi åker tidigt i morgon.
På det stora hela en bra dag. De e kul å roadtrippa
Dagens Låt
Steve Earle - This Highway's Mine (Roadmaster)
I'm running down this highway
Don't remember where I slept last night
I just remember halfway through the night
I woke up stiff with fright
I dreamed there was no asphalt
I dreamed there was no gasoline
Felt like a rat caught in some nowhere town
I woke up and screamed
This highway
This highway
This highway
This highway
This highway
This highway's mine
I grew up on the dragstrip
I used to shut em down
I used to take their pinkslips
There's a sucker born in every town
I never showed no mercy
I blew them all away
They stood there and cursed me
As I towed their lives away
I used to run the cocaine
I used to run the weed
These days I'm just running
Tryin' to make this highway bleed
Sometimes the only difference 'tween me and this machine
Is I run on desperation
She runs on gasoline
I'm the Roadmaster
The Asphalt Blaster
Mess with me and I'll shut you down
The bad thing
The highway king and I've come to claim my kingdom now
Deutchland Über Alles

Nu bär det av till Trelleborg för en övernattning i mitten av ingenstans innan vi drar över till tyskland i morgon och fyller rörbussen med ondjuice. Tyvärr verkar det som att rickard går miste om hemgjorda rostbiffsmackor och ett par specialbrända skivor, men men, jag och hanna är erfarna roadtrippers, vi kan de här.
Dagens Låt:
Suicidal Tendencies - Disco's Out, Murder's In
Extra, extra, read all about it!
News flash, read all about it!
Here comes another scam and don't you doubt it
May make you laugh, but it ain't funny
I can't believe the things they do for money
Another show that needs to get rated
Just got to add a little more hatred
We interrupt this program to tell you
Disco's out, murder's in
Kill it!
Goody, goody, another commotion
One more time, in slow motion
The mountain won't come to Mohammed
Let's keep our fingers crossed and maybe he'll bomb it
La da de da da de de da da
All kind of la de fuckin' das
Disco's out, murder's in
If you wanna go far, we'll make you a star
Not looking for a filler, just a serial killer!
It's got to be violent to make it a highlight
If we show it enough well everyone will think it's alright
Disco's out, murder's in
Kill it! Kill it!
Disco's out, murder's in!
Kill it!
torsdag 1 januari 2009
Ho Ho Ho Motherfuckers
Jaha, då va de nya året insupet. Spenderade gårdagen på en trevlig middag i högdalen följt av ungdomsfest i örnsberg... lustigt att supa med folk som är så pass mycket yngre en själv. Kände mej som en gammal gubbe när jag behövde be nån pojkspoling om hjälp med dom tekniska moderniteterna såsom spotify... well well, full blev jag ju såklart, och de va trevligt överlag.
Några nyårslöften är det inte tal om, förutom att vi ska försöka äta lite bättre och röra oss lite mer. Fick dessutom Wii Fit i julklapp av Hanna, så träning har plötsligt blivit ett nöje.
På lördag drar vi till tyskland och fyller rörbussen med goa grejjer till sara och tobias bröllop. kanske att det blir en och annan flaska till oss också.
Ska som sagt försöka slänga ihop nån form av summering av året som gått, men de e tveksamt om det kommer innan tyskland
Hana är nu nedsänkt i gelé, de e kul
Jag har rakat av håret nu, sjukt skönt. Bildbevis kommer kanske senare
Justin Townes Earle's kommande platta (mars 2009) verkar på förhand bli snorbra, iallafall om My Mama's Eyes är något att gå efter
Dagens låt:
Eric Bogle - Do You Know Any Dylan (The Traditional Folksinger's Lament for the Passing of the Three-Chord Traditional Folksong)
At the age of nineteen, I was young, I was keen
And I had just one burning ambition
To be a folk singer, a dope-smoking swinger
Singing songs that were steeped in tradition
So I bought a guitar and I practiced real hard
I wasn't much good, but I was willin'
Till to my chagrin, my girlfriend came in
And she said, "Can you sing any Dylan?"
And I said "No, no a thousand times no!
I'd rather see my life blood spillin'
I'll sing anything, even God Save the King
But I just won't sing any Bob Dylan!"
And with my guitar I traveled real far
Trying to gain recognition
I sang "Matty Groves" from St. Paul to Glen Cove
In pubs, clubs, and in seamen's missions
I traveled the road for seven long years
The pace, it really was killin'
And wherever I went from Scotland to Kent
They would say, "Can you sing any Dylan?"
And I said "No, no a thousand times no!
I'd rather see my life blood spillin'
I'll sing anything, even God Save the King
But I just won't sing any Bob Dylan!"
Well I soldiered on but the magic was gone
Leaving naught but a deep sense of failure
So I thought I would go where all failures go
And I took me a ship to Australia
When I landed in Sydney, the sun it shone down
On a view that was lovely and thrilling
But seeing my case, with a smile on his face
Customs said, "Can you sing any Dylan, mate?"
And I said "No, no a thousand times no!
I'd rather see my life blood spillin'
I'll sing anything, even God Save the King
But I just won't sing any Bob Dylan!"
Well ever since then, again and again
They've asked me the same boring question
And I usually reply with a glint in my eye
And a rather indecent suggestion
But the last straw came one night at a local motel
Where I had a young girl who was willin'
Put my hand up her dress, and she said "I'll say yes
If first you will sing me some Dylan"
And I said "No, no a thousand times no!
I'd rather see my life blood spillin'
I'll sing anything, even God Save the King
But I just won't sing any Bob Dylan!"
But I tell you my friend, that was the end
Of all my traditional aspirations
If being a folkie meant giving up nookie
There was one way to end my frustrations
So the very next night at another folk club
Where the audience around me was millin'
I took off my coat and I ruptured my throat
And I sang a song just like Bob Dylan
"Fo-o-o-or the ti-i-i-mes they are a-changi-i-i-ing"
And the audience went wild, man, woman and child
They clapped 'til their poor hands were bleeding
And they said, so to speak, that my style was unique
And just what the folk scene was needing
So all you young folkies who play a guitar
If you want to achieve a top billin'
Just murder good prose and sing through your nose
And then you'll sound just like Bob Dylan
Några nyårslöften är det inte tal om, förutom att vi ska försöka äta lite bättre och röra oss lite mer. Fick dessutom Wii Fit i julklapp av Hanna, så träning har plötsligt blivit ett nöje.
På lördag drar vi till tyskland och fyller rörbussen med goa grejjer till sara och tobias bröllop. kanske att det blir en och annan flaska till oss också.
Ska som sagt försöka slänga ihop nån form av summering av året som gått, men de e tveksamt om det kommer innan tyskland
Hana är nu nedsänkt i gelé, de e kul
Jag har rakat av håret nu, sjukt skönt. Bildbevis kommer kanske senare
Justin Townes Earle's kommande platta (mars 2009) verkar på förhand bli snorbra, iallafall om My Mama's Eyes är något att gå efter
Dagens låt:
Eric Bogle - Do You Know Any Dylan (The Traditional Folksinger's Lament for the Passing of the Three-Chord Traditional Folksong)
At the age of nineteen, I was young, I was keen
And I had just one burning ambition
To be a folk singer, a dope-smoking swinger
Singing songs that were steeped in tradition
So I bought a guitar and I practiced real hard
I wasn't much good, but I was willin'
Till to my chagrin, my girlfriend came in
And she said, "Can you sing any Dylan?"
And I said "No, no a thousand times no!
I'd rather see my life blood spillin'
I'll sing anything, even God Save the King
But I just won't sing any Bob Dylan!"
And with my guitar I traveled real far
Trying to gain recognition
I sang "Matty Groves" from St. Paul to Glen Cove
In pubs, clubs, and in seamen's missions
I traveled the road for seven long years
The pace, it really was killin'
And wherever I went from Scotland to Kent
They would say, "Can you sing any Dylan?"
And I said "No, no a thousand times no!
I'd rather see my life blood spillin'
I'll sing anything, even God Save the King
But I just won't sing any Bob Dylan!"
Well I soldiered on but the magic was gone
Leaving naught but a deep sense of failure
So I thought I would go where all failures go
And I took me a ship to Australia
When I landed in Sydney, the sun it shone down
On a view that was lovely and thrilling
But seeing my case, with a smile on his face
Customs said, "Can you sing any Dylan, mate?"
And I said "No, no a thousand times no!
I'd rather see my life blood spillin'
I'll sing anything, even God Save the King
But I just won't sing any Bob Dylan!"
Well ever since then, again and again
They've asked me the same boring question
And I usually reply with a glint in my eye
And a rather indecent suggestion
But the last straw came one night at a local motel
Where I had a young girl who was willin'
Put my hand up her dress, and she said "I'll say yes
If first you will sing me some Dylan"
And I said "No, no a thousand times no!
I'd rather see my life blood spillin'
I'll sing anything, even God Save the King
But I just won't sing any Bob Dylan!"
But I tell you my friend, that was the end
Of all my traditional aspirations
If being a folkie meant giving up nookie
There was one way to end my frustrations
So the very next night at another folk club
Where the audience around me was millin'
I took off my coat and I ruptured my throat
And I sang a song just like Bob Dylan
"Fo-o-o-or the ti-i-i-mes they are a-changi-i-i-ing"
And the audience went wild, man, woman and child
They clapped 'til their poor hands were bleeding
And they said, so to speak, that my style was unique
And just what the folk scene was needing
So all you young folkies who play a guitar
If you want to achieve a top billin'
Just murder good prose and sing through your nose
And then you'll sound just like Bob Dylan
onsdag 24 december 2008
Deck The Halls
god jul på er
nu bär det av till akalla för finöl, julskinka, hemgjord rostbiff och karl bertil
Dagens Låt
The Pogues - Fairytale Of New York
It was Christmas Eve babe
In the drunk tank
An old man said to me, won't see another one
And then he sang a song
The Rare Old Mountain Dew
I turned my face away
And dreamed about you
Got on a lucky one
Came in eighteen to one
I've got a feeling
This year's for me and you
So happy Christmas
I love you baby
I can see a better time
When all our dreams come true
They've got cars big as bars
They've got rivers of gold
But the wind goes right through you
It's no place for the old
When you first took my hand
On a cold Christmas Eve
You promised me
Broadway was waiting for me
You were handsome
You were pretty
Queen of New York City
When the band finished playing
They howled out for more
Sinatra was swinging,
All the drunks they were singing
We kissed on a corner
Then danced through the night
The boys of the NYPD choir
Were singing "Galway Bay"
And the bells were ringing out
For Christmas day
You're a bum
You're a punk
You're an old slut on junk
Lying there almost dead on a drip in that bed
You scumbag, you maggot
You cheap lousy faggot
Happy Christmas your arse
I pray God it's our last
I could have been someone
Well so could anyone
You took my dreams from me
When I first found you
I kept them with me babe
I put them with my own
Can't make it all alone
I've built my dreams around you
nu bär det av till akalla för finöl, julskinka, hemgjord rostbiff och karl bertil
Dagens Låt
The Pogues - Fairytale Of New York
It was Christmas Eve babe
In the drunk tank
An old man said to me, won't see another one
And then he sang a song
The Rare Old Mountain Dew
I turned my face away
And dreamed about you
Got on a lucky one
Came in eighteen to one
I've got a feeling
This year's for me and you
So happy Christmas
I love you baby
I can see a better time
When all our dreams come true
They've got cars big as bars
They've got rivers of gold
But the wind goes right through you
It's no place for the old
When you first took my hand
On a cold Christmas Eve
You promised me
Broadway was waiting for me
You were handsome
You were pretty
Queen of New York City
When the band finished playing
They howled out for more
Sinatra was swinging,
All the drunks they were singing
We kissed on a corner
Then danced through the night
The boys of the NYPD choir
Were singing "Galway Bay"
And the bells were ringing out
For Christmas day
You're a bum
You're a punk
You're an old slut on junk
Lying there almost dead on a drip in that bed
You scumbag, you maggot
You cheap lousy faggot
Happy Christmas your arse
I pray God it's our last
I could have been someone
Well so could anyone
You took my dreams from me
When I first found you
I kept them with me babe
I put them with my own
Can't make it all alone
I've built my dreams around you
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